Akkineni Nagarjuna’s Oopiri movie had received a lot of applause from the Telugu audience as well from the critics. The movie was named as the best message oriented script in Tollywood for the past few years. The movie directed by Vamsi Paidipally also starring Tamannah in the female lead was produced with a huge budget under the banner of PVP Entertainments. But now the movie is in the news again. The clash between the movie director Vamsi and producer PVP has gone to the upper level.
PVP recently complained that Oopiri movie has left him in a huge loss and he was in a debt of Rs. 21 crores. This gave a sudden shock to the entire Tollywood industry. He seeks compensation for these losses from ‘Oopiri’ director Vamshi Pydipally. Pvp hasn’t stopped here. He approached Madras High Court and got injunction orders against Vamshi and his writers Harikrishna and Solomon to get them refrain from using Pvp’s script for Mahesh’s film.