Tollywood producer Anil Sunkara, who has produced movies like Dookudu, Aagadu, Legend, Bindaas and ERAR etc, is going Hollywood with an inspiring biopic on legendary nuclear scientist, former President of India and Bharat Ratna late Dr. Abdul Kalam, titled Dr. Abdul Kalam.
Anil Sunkara joined hands with his friend and producer Abhishek Agarwal to bring this epic movie onto silver screen made on Hollywood standards. The film's pre-production work is going on currently and the shooting will start in March, 2017.
Anil, along with his crew, visited Abdul Kalam's house in Rameshwaram recently and met his family members and friends as part of his research on Kalam's early life and his rise from a news paper vendor to a pioneer in India's nuclear field and eventually becoming the President of India.
Dr. Abdul Kalam will have a couple of thrilling and hilarious episodes where Kalam tricked the CIA from grabbing secret information on India's nuclear strategies and also the Pokhran Nuclear Test.
Anil is planning to make this landmark film in English and send it to various international film festivals, apart from a wide international release. This movie is based on the biography on Kalam's life penned by Raj Chengappa.