When it comes to making sensational comments – at times uncalled for – nobody can beat Ram Gopal Varma. The man recently saw Aamir Khan’s movie “Dangal” and was so impressed by it the film that he decided to comment on it.
Heaping praises sky high on Aamir Khan he said that he salutes Aamir Khan’s confidence on the intelligence of the Indian cine-goer. Super stars always look young and are always displaying their 6 pack bodies even when they are 50 years old. But he said he felt like touching Aamir Khan’s feet for his sincerity in starting off looking young in the film and then growing older as the film progressed in keeping with the age of the character. He added that the other Khans only try to make fools of the audiences while Aamir Khan plays on their intelligence.
He claimed that thanks to the other Khans the world looks at Indian audiences as stupids Aamir Khan forces them to take Indians seriously. He continued that he had been watching films from the era of “Aalam Ara” and never found any actor wanting to put on weight as he plays a father in any film. He said that he wanted the whole industry including all the Khans to learn gymnastics and kick themselves on their behinds. One is not sure if these comments will go down well with the industry – certainly won’t with the rest of the Khan brigade.