Venkatesh starrer sports drama ‘Guru‘ is in the making stage and may come out soon. So, what are the next projects he is going to work on? According to the latest buzz, Venky is going to take a risk. We call it risk because he is going to work with none other than director Puri Jagannadh. We know that Puri’s latest form is not good and post the fate of ‘ISM’ at the box-office, the director’s project with NTR too took back seat. Meanwhile, Venky’s next movie with director Kishore Tirumala is said to have taken the back seat. Interestingly, a hero like Venky who never runs into trouble or try risks is going to co-produce his next with Puri Jagannadh. It’s really surprising to see his confidence on Puri Jagannadh. Both of them are sailing in the same boat now as both of them need a break. Would both of them give a break to each other? Let’s see.