Pawan Kalyan said to have hired a music director for Jana Sena. The actor is planning to have few emotional songs for his political party Jana Sena so that the songs would reach out to people, especially masses, in short time.
Pawan has asked a music director, whom he worked earlier, to compose tunes for the film and has asked a few writers (whom he is close with) to pen the lyrics for the songs. The idea is that the songs would reflect the party's ideology.
Pawan, who was shooting for Katamarayudu in Film City, called upon the team and gave valuable inputs. Onlookers say Pawan is taking day-to-day updates from them and constantly monitoring the progress of the songs. He said to have asked the musicians and writers team to give him the best output.
When legendary NTR had joined politics in 1982, he also came up with songs that carried TDP's political ideology and the songs then were instant hit. They have helped NTR to come to power in just six months.
Now, Pawan is also applying the same principle. Since he is busy with his films, he wants something or the other party activity to happen as he already planned to contest polls in 2019.
Will he succeed? That's a million dollar question now.