Pooja Hegde’s Bollywood debut ‘Mohenjo Daro’ turned out to be a big disaster in spite of the fact that there is Hrithik Roshan playing the lead. Now, she is back to Telugu films and romancing Allu Arjun for ‘Duvvada Jagannadham’. According to a Bollywood source, the actress turned out a Bollywood offer to star opposite young hero Sooraj Pancholi. The reason is not her busy schedule in South movies or whatsoever but because she isn’t interested in working with small heroes. In Telugu, she is working with an A-lister, Allu Arjun. In Bollywood, Pooja Hegde made her debut with a star hero, Hrithik Roshan. But, in both the places, the actress didn’t score a hit till date. This is the reason why Bollywood is expressing surprise at Pooja’s decision to work with only star heroes when she didn’t have any success to her credit.